
Marc-Antonio Consoli
Inactive Member
Honorary Selection in the 2007 John Eaton Memorial Competition
Personal website:
MARC-ANTONIO CONSOLI , Italian-born American composer and teacher; b. Catania, May 19, 1941. He studied with Rieti at the N.Y. Coll. of Music (B.M., 1966), with Krenek at the Peabody Cons, of Music in Baltimore (M.M., 1967), and with Goehr at the Yale Univ. School of Music (M.M., 1971; D.M.A., 1977), and also took courses with Schuller and Crumb at the Berkshire Music Center in Tanglewood, with Donatoni at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, and at the Warsaw Cons. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1967. He was founder-director of the Musica Oggi Ensemble (1978–80) and served as a church music director and organist (from 1988). He was also ed. of the Hargail Music Press (1978–84) and ed. and publisher of Rinaldo Music Press (from 1983). From 1990 he was adjunct asst. prof, at N.Y.U. His honors include Guggenheim fellow-ships (1971,1979), NEA grants (1979,1981,1985), and an award from the American Academy and Inst. of Arts and Letters (1975). In several of his works, Consoli has found inspiration in Italian folk elements which he has utilized in writing scores marked by a fine abstract lyricism.