Contributions to the NYCC

Join the growing number of musicians and music lovers who are helping us bring new music to new audiences: contribute $50 or more, and become a Friend of the New York Composers Circle! You’ll receive In-the-Loop email updates publicizing the Circle’s concerts and salons, member performances, and our latest news. And your name will be included in the NYCC’s list of Friends, which appears on this page and on every concert program.

Please consider contributing to support our mission; click the DONATE NOW button above-right. When you do, you’ll be redirected to our JustGiving profile page where you will be able to specify the amount and purpose of your contribution. You may choose to help us produce concerts, support our outreach program, or for general operating expenses. And you can even dedicate your contribution to a particular person, or designate it as being in memory of a friend or a family member.

The New York Composers Circle is an IRS-registered tax-exempt nonprofit corporation under Section 501(c)(3), and is recognized as an educational organization by the Department of Education of the State of New York. Contributions to the NYCC are tax-deductible under Section 170 of the IRS Code.




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Judith Anderson

Naoko Aoki

Oliver Baer

William and Marilyn Baker

Roger Bermas

Nancy R. Bogen–Greissle

Hervé Brönnimann

Richard Brooks and Clifford Hall

Arline Brown

Barry Cohen

Robert Cohen

Gloria Colicchio

Mary Cronson

David Del Tredici and Ray Warman

Gary DeWaal and Myrna Chao

Margaret DeWitt

Robert and Karen Dewar

Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton

Jeanne Ellis

Michael and Marjorie Engber

William and Harriet Englander

Margaret Fairlie–Kennedy

Anne Farber

Allen C. Fischer and Renate Belville

Amy Roberts Frawley

Elizabeth Friou

Victor Frost

Mark and Louise Gatanas

Peter and Nancy Geller

Lucy Gertner

Jacob E. and Josy Fox Goodman

Dorine Gordon

Perry Gould

Stanley S. Grossel

Martin Halpern

Linda Hong

Hubert S. Howe

Carl and Gail Kanter

David Katz

Lou Katz

David Kaufman

Barbara Kaye

Debra Kaye

Richard Kaye

Daniel Klein

Vladislav Klenikov

Alvin and Susan Knott

Andrea Knutson

Susan Korn

Leo Kraft

Herbert and Claire Kranzer

Michael Laderman

Raphael Laderman

Dorothy Lander

Arnold and Michelle Lebow

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leibholz

Stephen and Ann Leibholz

Nancy and Norman Loev

Erwin Lutwak

Joseph and Nina Malkevitch

David Martin

Martin Mayer

William Mayer

Eugene W. McBride

Christopher Montgomery

William and Beryl Moser

Gayther and Carole Myers

Bill Nerenberg

Linda Past and Joseph Pehrson

Jeanette and Stuart Pertz

Murray S. Peyton

Richard Pollack and Lori Smith

Bruce S. Pyenson

Rochelle and Douglas Sauber

Marjorie Senechal

John H. Solum

Abby Jacobs Stuthers

Al and Alice Teirstein

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Townsend

Raymond Townsend

Gary and Katrine Watkins

Sally Woodring

Thomas Zaslavsky and Seyna Bruskin

Friends of the New York Composers Circle


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